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Welcome to PA CareerLink® Chester County

Providing Employment Support Training Opportunities to Job Seekers and Employers within the Chester County Labor Market

Choose from Self or
Staff-Assisted Services

Individuals can elect to access our services on their own or through a personalized, one-on-one approach. Either way, staff are here to help guide job seekers on their next career move or assist employers in finding or retaining talent.

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Low to No Cost Assistance

Because many of our programs are federally funded, most are provided at no cost – Federal and/or State Eligibility requirements may apply for some programs.

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Comprehensive Approach
to Services

Our partners provide a broad range of workforce development services to individuals in Chester County. Individuals have access to financial stability-based and supportive services offered through our partnership with the Financial Stability Center.


Onsite Services

PA CareerLink® – Chester County

Oaklands Corporate Center
479 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 500
Exton, PA 19341

Main phone # (610) 280-1010

TTY Number (610) 280-1014

Fax (610) 280-1013



Equal Opportunity Officer

Jeannette Roman

Phone #: (610) 344-6150

Online Resources

Hours of Operation

Public Office Hours

Monday thru Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm


Inclement Weather Information

Call (610) 280-1010 for any change
in operating schedule due to inclement weather

PA CareerLink® Chester County is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
For Program Funding details, in compliance with the Stevens Amendment, click here.

UC Connect is a statewide initiative helping claimants connect with UC staff thru in-person appointments. To make an in-person appointment, please call 1-855-284-8545. For more information, visit: